Confirming Faith

Young people of the Gilead Congregational Church family, who are in Grade 9 or above, will receive a formal invitation to join the Confirmation program. 

The program allows youth to go through a series of faith adventures with their very own mentor—someone you choose from our group of adults who are willing to share their time and experience with you. Some of the adventures are here at your Gilead church, and others are out in our local community. Your mentor will be there to listen to you, to answer your questions, and to take part in field trips alongside you.

There will be a series of meetings that you and your mentor will have together, there will be group gatherings regularly as well. 

Part of this journey includes preparing a “faith journey” letter as a reflection on what the confirmand has discovered about themselves and their relationship to God. 

At the conclusion of the program, youth are invited to decide whether they would like to be confirmed as a full member of the Gilead church.  This leads up to the Confirmation service, which is typically held on Pentecost Sunday (end of May).

For those interested in the confirmation program please contact the church office.